Blog 5:
Information that I can tell myself that can raise the stakes or clearly articulate a problem is important facts or statements I put into what I am writing. Information that I can put in that will complicates things is something going against or is not valid with everything else the writing is saying. The stakes of my essay are going to be that metaphors are good and bad around us sometimes but they can help people most of the time…
Blog 4:
In The Trouble with Medicine’s Metaphors I believe that Dhruv Khullar was trying to put across the military and how they use metaphors but also how doctors for cancer patients also use metaphors to talk to them better. I am not gonna lie I had a hard time reading this article just like the last one so I could stop on or way off. Khullar I think is trying to say that just because you may have a sickness but…
Blog 3:Annotations
Annotations for Erard’s article part 2
Blog 3:
From reading Erard’s article, the first time I was very confused not going to lie. A lot of the stuff he wrote didn’t make sense to me or I just had no idea what he was talking about. Which when discussing it in class I was not the only one who was confused which made me feel a lot better. My first time reading the article it felt all over the place to me and I really did not know…
Blog 2:Annotations
Annotations for Erard’s article
Blog 2:
Two places that sparked my interest and engaged the moments of conversation in Erard’s See through Words is when he first talks about he firsts talk about in the first paragraph “If you could ask Dante where he got the idea of life as a road, or Rilke where he found the notion that time is a destroyer, they might have said the metaphors were hewn from their minds, or drawn from a stock of poetic imagery.” I know what…
Blog 1: Annotations
Annotations of Geary’s TED Talk
Blog 1:
My first experience watching Geary’s TED Talk I really didn’t understand a lot of what he was saying. I was also confused with some of the stuff he was saying. But now watching it a second time I understand what he was saying and what was going on. My favorite part of his TED Talk is when he talks about how Elvis is the metaphor king and relates his songs to metaphors. I thought it was funny and really smart….
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