Artifact 1-EDU 386

Artifact 1-EDU 386

For this assignment throughout the course of the semester I go into a classroom for two hours and observe/help out with their literacy block. Then after words I go back to campus and discuss with my group about what we observed. Throughout the reflection each week we have a different focus we should be looking out for throughout the classroom while there. This assignment aligns with standard nine because standard nine is when the teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. Thes reflections will help me in my future classroom when deciding on what to do with certain lessons or certain classroom management skills. All of what I observed I will have record of to look back on.

This assignment will help me in my future career because it can be a resource I use when I need some extra help in a lesson, classroom management, whatever it is. I can look back on this. This is also just a great experience to have any time in the classroom is the most beneficial and when I learn the most because I am seeing first hand how everything I learn in the classroom is presented to the grade I want to teach. There is also feedback from my professor and writing coach from the Biddeford schools I have to look back on as well for support further on in my career if I need it which I am sure I will.
