Recursive Writing Sheet

Recursive Writing Sheet

My Recursive Writing Process

NAME: Isabella Fazio

Favorite Active Reading Strategies:

I like to annotate what I am reading I find it easier and I can find what I am looking for a lot easier. So when I am annotating I like to highlight words I do not know so I can look them up, things that pop out to me, things I agree and disagree with. I like to color code things. Makes me feel organized and so I know where to put everything.

Favorite Brainstorming Strategies:

When I am trying to brainstorm an idea for an essay I am about to write I like to first get all the info from the essay. Then once I know what the topic of the essay is (if there even is a topic) I then will start to collect all my thoughts and just make a bullet point list and write all my thoughts and ideas down. It the best way for me to get my ideas and thoughts on paper without getting confused on where to put them.  

Favorite Drafting Strategies:

When drafting what I do is I will leave to my thesis last because for me the whole process of making a thesis for a paper is the most difficult part and makes me the most stressed out sometimes. So after I am done writing my paper I will then really go through what I had just written and then go through my bullet point list again and will make up a thesis that way.

Favorite Revision Strategies:

After getting back the review from my peers I will then go back into my paper and see what I can use from it and see what I need to change. For what I keep and do not change I was usually highlight that in my draft as yellow, for the things I keep but change a little bit or I am a bit unsure about I will usually highlight that blue, and finally for the things I completely take out I highlight that black.

Favorite Polishing Strategies:

What I like to do right before I turn in my final draft I like to re-read it for the 4th time to make sure it still makes sense. I will have my roommate or friend read it to make sure it is all good. Use grammatically to make sure I have correct grammar and punctuation on everything.

150-200 Word Framing Statment

For my favorite reading statement it is 100% annotating. Annotating makes me get everything organized and I can ask a bunch of questions and write my thoughts down that I can answer when getting research for my essay or just looking it up on my own because I want to know the answer. I plan to use annotating in ever paper I start to do next after english comp or just when I need to do research and need to write stuff down. It has really help e be more organized and really helped me get into a better grove when reading an article or trying to find information. For example I am a psychology major and I know in future classes I am going to be doing a lot of research, this is going to help me a ton with that because I am not going to get as confused or lost when reading. I am going to label things and put things where they need to be.
