Blog 19

Blog 19

The chapter I chose to reread in “They Say/I Say” and talk about is chapter 3 “The Art of Quoting”. A problem I always had with essays was quoting things in them or how to correctly quote things. Coming to college and seeing how everyone else did it and seeing my way was completely different it made me feel that I was taught wrong or really didn’t know how to do it correctly. Everyone’s looked so much more “professional” then mine you could say. So that is why I chose this chapter.

When I first read it it really helped me (besides for my professor,classmates,and class) understand how to quote things better and see what the right and wrongs way to do it. It really helped me understand how to quote things and made me feel more confident when I do my papers now.

What I plan to work on in my revision is making sure I still am quoting thing correctly and making sure I am giving that person full credit from whatever I use in my paper. What I changed was making sure I put where I found the quotes in the articles I used and make sure I put the commas and everything in the right spot. It has impacted my ongoing papers because I feel more confident in them.

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