Learning Outcome 2

Learning Outcome 2

For the final draft I picked and looking back at it I used quotes from the articles we read in class as a way to have evidence in my paper. For example this is from my paper, “For example in Geary’s TED Talk when he says “A group of students was told that a small democratic country had been invaded and had asked U.S for help. And they had to make a decision. What should they do? Intervene, appeal to the U.N., or do nothing? They were each them given one of three descriptions of this hypothetical crisis. Each of which was designed to trigger a different historical analogy: World War II, Vietnam, and the third was historically neutral.”. “. That was trying to show evidence to what I was trying to say. In class when we would go over the articles and talk about annotating them I would find a lot of good quotes during those processes also when talking to my peers I would also start to understand the articles a bit more because they were a bit hard to understand. So throughout the semester I really have improved at trying to find evidence for my papers for making them stronger i feel like. I used to not be as confident in my papers but after this semester I feel very confident and I am very proud of my work.
